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Khrunichev Aviatekhnika, Inc.

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Company name: Khrunichev Aviatekhnika, Inc.
Brief name company: Khrunichev Aviatekhnika, Inc.
Contact information: (095) 145-93-33, 145-99-53, , aircraft.avias.com/index.htm
Post address of the main office: , Russian Federation, Moscow, Novozavodskaya st. 18/1

Basic directions of activity

Khrunichev Aviatekhnika, Inc. was especially set up for the promotion of the aviation technology, produced by Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center - the world-wide leader in the field of space systems.

For a long time Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center has been known as the world leader of modern rocket and space technology -PROTON launch vehicle, SALUT orbital stations, MIR. Today, together with working in the space field we keep on thinking and working at our aviation, from which the history of the enterprise actually started.

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