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Salyut Design Bureau

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Company name: Salyut Design Bureau
Brief name company: Salyut Design Bureau
Country: Russian Federation
Contact information: (095) 145-98-84, 148-19-32,

Basic directions of activity

Development and design of spacecraft, launch vehicles, space stations and other space rocket systems for various purposes.

List of names of basic let out production

Today, Salyut DB as an affiliation of the Khrunichev Space Center are carrying out the following projects:

- Upgrading the Proton LV;
- Development of Angara, a family of light-weight, medium-weight or heavy launch vehicles;
- Development of the Baikal type of reusable launch vehicles (RLVs);
- Development of upper stages using either high- or low-boiling propellants, including the Breeze family, KVRB (LOX/hydrogen upper stage), UKVB (generic LOX/hydrogen block) and KRB (LOX upper stage);
- Development of the Dialog E, Intersputnik M1 and Intersputnik M2 small communications satellites;
- Development of FGB2, a component of the Russian Segment of the International Space Station (ISS);
- Control of spacecraft flights during either flight tests or routine operations including involvement in the control of the ISS;
- Creation of space complexes designed to support earth’s observations, space communications and/or research. Spacecraft are being built around Yakhta (’Yacht’), a generic space bus, and are to be injected into their required orbits by the Rockot, Angara 1.1 or Angara 1.2 light-weight launch vehicles;
- Cooperative research or application studies and developments including innovative high-tech space- or environment-oriented areas; development and construction of experimental facilities to simulate spacecraft functioning in space.

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