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About the Company

The Salyut Design Bureau (Salyut DB) was founded by V. M. Myasishchev, an outstanding aircraft designer, in 1951. He managed the projects aimed at developing the 3M and M4 series-production bombers (nicknamed Bison by NATO) and the M50 supersonic long-range bomber.

The company re-directed its business to space-oriented projects in 1960. The Salyut team has since implemented a number of unique space-industry projects including combat complexes equipped with highly efficient ICBMs, the world-renown highly reliable Proton launch vehicle, the Salyut and the Mir space stations, the Kosmos 929, 1267, 1443 and 1686 supply vehicles, the Kvant (Quantum), Kvant 2, Kristall (Crystal), Spectr (Spectrum) and Priroda (Nature) modules and the Express reentry capsule.

The State Space Research-and-Production Center named after M. V. Khrunichev (KhSC) was set up by a Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 7, 1993 directing that the Salyut Design Bureau and the M. V. Khrunichev Machine Building Plant be merged to put together their research and production potentials.
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