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International Exhibitions

Air Traffic Control systems Corporation, JSC

International Aviation & Space Salon
Air Traffic Control systems Corporation, JSC
Contact information Send request to the Company
Full Company's name: Joint-Stock Company `Air Traffic Control systems Corporation`
Brief name: Air Traffic Control systems Corporation, JSC
Country: Russian Federation
Chief executive: Fedor Leonov, Director General
Contact information: (095) 974-73-68, 974-73-69, 974-73-70, ,
Main office address: 119034, Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Bolshay Ordynka, 49/1

Main lines of business

Design, construction, supply and technical accompany of ATC centers.
Projects Control (projects management) and system integration during the modernization of the ATC centers system.
Creation and realization of the technical purpose productions.

List of main products

1. En-Route and Approach Secondary Two-Modes (ATC/RBS) Monopulse Surveillance Radars in any completeness:
-MSSR `KRONA` family;
-MSSR `RADUGA` family;
-MSSR ` СВК` family;
2.Approach and EN-Route Combined Primary-Secondary Radar Stations of `EKRAN-85` family
3.Instrumental Landing Systems (ILS) for I, II and III ICAO categories of `SP-90` family;
4.Short-Range Radio Navigation System (VORDME) of `РМАРМД-9` family
5.Approach and En-Route Radio Markers РМП-200, РММ-95.

List of other products

1.Terminal, Combined En-RouteTerminal and En-Route Automated Systems for Air Traffic Planning and Control, belonged to `SINTEZ` family;
2.Automated Controller Working Positions (CWP) of ATC planning and radar controllers for Towers, Terminal and En-Route ATC Centres of `ALPHA` family;
3.Automated ATC Planning Systems for ATM Departments of `PLANETA` family;
4.Complex ATC Training Simulators of `EXPRESS` and `TRENER` families;
5.Equipment for Primary Radar Information Processing and Radar Data Transmission of `PRIOP` family;
6.Automated VHF Rx/Tx Radio Centres of `POLET` family;
7.Ground Satellite Stations for Aeronautical Communication Fixed Service of `MOST` family;
8.Weather Observation (meteo) Radars of `МRL-5` family;
9.Complex Terminal Radio Meteorological Stations of `KRAMS` family;
10.Technological Mетео Situation Prediction Complex of `GIS METEO` family.

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