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Renews of company:
Federal State Unitary Enterprise Ryazan State Instrument-making Enterprise

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Company Sukhoi
Su-30MK, Su-31M, Su-32, Su-35
Rosoboronexport - Export/import of military/dual-use equipment and strategic raw materials...
Corporation VSMPO-AVISMA
Titanium semi-products, Aluminum alloy products, Semi-products from alloy steels, Machine-building production
ASTC Aero-Astra
Researches in design, manufacturing, and expluatation of light rotorcraft.
Development radar-tracking, the diagnostic medical equipment
Light Tower
Mobile emergency illumination device « Light tower»
FSUE «MDPC «UNIVERSAL» is leading in Russia where development and production of landing equipment and different ty...
121 ARZ
FSUE ”121ARZ” has licence of Russian avia-space agency N 2550 from 9.07.2003. with the rignts...
Aircraft parts production, Profile casting, Titanium Alloy Castings, Production of Magnesium Alloy Castings
CDB Automatics
Radar Warning Receiver ( RWR ), PAPS L-112Э

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.