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Company Sukhoi
Su-30MK, Su-31M, Su-32, Su-35
Rosoboronexport - Export/import of military/dual-use equipment and strategic raw materials...
IAI Israel Aircraft Industries, Ltd
Commercial Observation and Communication satellites and launchers ARROW - Anti-Tactical Ballistic Missiles (ATBM)
ASTC Aero-Astra
Researches in design, manufacturing, and expluatation of light rotorcraft.
FSUE «MDPC «UNIVERSAL» is leading in Russia where development and production of landing equipment and different ty...
Corporation VSMPO-AVISMA
Titanium semi-products, Aluminum alloy products, Semi-products from alloy steels, Machine-building production
Development radar-tracking, the diagnostic medical equipment
Mil Helicopter Plant
MI-2, Mi-24 / Mi-35, Assessment of a possibility of service lives extension for helicopters and their, Mi-8 /Mi 17 - HIP
Novator Experimental Machine Design Bureau FSUE
Experimental Machine Design Bureau ”Novator” offers: Anti-ship cruise missile complexes Anti-submarine missile complexes Anti-ai...
Mi-35M, Mi-24V / Mi-35 helicopters, Mi-24PN / Mi-35PN, Mi-24P / Mi-35P helicopters
KVAND Aircraft interiors
KVAND offers estimation of the aircraft and aviation mechanics. Process of estimation includes market survey and determin...

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.