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Table of contents


1. Full name under the charter:

State Research Institute of Aviation Systems

2. The abbreviated name under the charter:



3. The Organization-legal form:



4. The essential elements for communication:


(095) 157-7047, 157-7521


(095) 943-8605





Name, post of the contact person

Grigorov Yuri, International Relations and Marketing Manager, Chief of Department

5. The post address:


Russian Federation 125319 Moscow Victorenko 7

6. The address of office:


Russian Federation 125319 Moscow Victorenko 7,  3 min. on foot from the metro Airport by the Victorenko st., the1st carriage out of the centre.

7. The basic kinds and directions of activity:
  development of advanced concepts of avionic complexes and military systems; integration and certification of avionic complexes and armament; creation of advanced computeraided scientific research and design systems; creation of unique hardware-in-the-loop simulation and ground testing complexes, as well as flying test-beds; development of computer systems technologies to be used in Air Traffic Control, logistic, aftersale service, geoinformatic, Medical Surveys, Environmental Control and other areas of science and industry.

8. Name, post and contact information of the chief:

Fedosov Evgeny, General Director of GosNIIAS

Name, post of the responsible person:

Grigorov Yuri, International Relations and Marketing Manager, Chief of Department


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 1997 - 2001 ® www.SOVA.Ru tel. (095) 211-24-20 fax. (095) 211-56-47