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LLC "NITA"<< Participants MAKS <<  www.MAKS.ru

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Table of contents


1. Full name under the charter:

LLC "New Information Technologies in the Aviation"

2. The abbreviated name under the charter:



3. Pattern of ownership:



4. The essential elements for communication:


(812) 104-18-13


(812) 104-18-72





Name, post of the contact person

Voevodin Dmitriy Yuryevich - executive director

5. The post address:


ul. Pilotov, 38, St.Petersburg, Russia

6. The address of office:


196210, ul. Pilotov, 38 St. Petersburg, Russia
How to reach:Civil Aviation Academy, Pilotov, 38. Commercial buses №№ 13, 113, 213, the nearest subway station -Moskovskaya

7. The basic kinds and directions of activity:
  · ATC Systems
· Flight Data Processing System
· Controller and Pilot Simulators
· Automated Training Systems (Radio Exchange in English)
· Voice Communication Recording System
· Voice Communication System
· ADS -B equipment implementation
Company "NITA" isthe leading supplier of ATC equipment for the ATC centers in Russia

8. Name, post and contact information of the chief:

Pyatko Sergey Grigorievich - director

Name, post of the responsible person:

Dmitry Yuryevich - executive director


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Aircraft - Space directories

 1997 - 2001 ® www.SOVA.Ru tel. (095) 211-24-20 fax. (095) 211-56-47