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MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
Contact information Send request to the exhibition
Company name: Federal State Unitary Enterprise ”Krasnoyarsky machine-building plant”
Brief name company: FSUE ”Krasmash”
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Gupalov Victor Kirillovich
Contact information: (3912) 64-81-50, 64-80-91, 64-13-90, 64-48-91,, , www.krasm.com
Post address of the main office: 660123, Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk area, Krasnoyarsk, 29, pr. Krasnoyarsky Rabochy

Basic directions of activity

1. space-rocket equipment;
2. service in creation of space-rocket equipment (fire tests of engines, gas- and hydraulic tests of units refueling of space-rocket equipment with fuel components);
3. utilization of space-rocket constituents;
4. equipment for oil-processing, petrochemical and gas industry;
5. equipment for fuel and energy complex;
6. equipment for silicon production;
7. thermoplastic units;
8. meat processing equipment;
9. bread-making equipment;
10. cryogen products

List of names of basic let out production

1. ballistic missile for submarines;
2. basic modules of transfer orbit stage;
3. liquid-propellant engines;

List of names other let out production

1. silicon single crystal growing unit;
2. unit for hydrogen silicon recovery;
3. silicon grinding and calibration machine;
4. silicon cutting machine;
5. boiler convection surface refining
6. crane conditioner;
7. equipment for flourless dough;
8. thermoplastic units;
9. meat-processing equipment;
10. petrochemical and fuel/energy equipment

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Gupalov Victor Kirillovich
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