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Company name: Joint Stock Company ”NORMAL”
Brief name company: Normal
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Vycheslav Volodin
Contact information: (8312) 44 - 25 - 04, 44 - 32 - 72, 44 - 05 - 17, 77 - 99 - 28,
Post address of the main office: 603950, Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod, 74, Litvinova st.

Basic directions of activity

JSC Normal is a specialized manufacturer of standard fasteners for Russian aerospase market. At Present time the fasterners, produced by JSC Normal of carbon, alloyed and corrosion-resistance steels, aluminum and titanium alloys according to the Russian standards and to the standards of Germany and USA in metric and inch series, have a wide application in other industries of national and foreign markets.

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