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Experimental factory NIIКhIT

MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
Experimental factory NIIКhIT
Contact information Send request to the exhibition
Company name: Closed Joint Stock Co. Pilot Production Plant of NIIKhIT
Brief name company: Experimental factory NIIКhIT
Country: Russian Federation
Date of registration, who has registered, registration number, codes OKONH, OKPO, VAT: ИНН 6451118479, ОКОНХ 14175, 95120, ОКПО 43732481
Head of the company: Vladimir E. Gorbunov
Contact information: (8452) 96-45-28, 96-05-23,
Address of the main office: Russian Federation
Post address of the main office: 410015, Russian Federation, Saratov region, Saratov, 11a, Orjonikidze str

Basic directions of activity

Pilot Production Plant of Chemical Power Sources Research Institute Closed Joint - Stock Company ( PPP of NIIKhIT CJSC) is specialized in development and manufacture of aircraft nickel - cadmium batteries. PPP of NIIKhIT CJSC has been founded in November of 1996 and at present time it is the only one of its kind manufacturer of domestic aircraft batteries in Russia.
Different types of storage batteries developing and manufacturing by PPP of NIIKhIT CJSC during the period of forty years are widely used on board of more than forty types of domestic airplanes and helicopters, including newly created modern flying vehicles. These aircraft batteries are some of the best batteries in the world with regard to their specific and operating characteristics; at the same time their cost is substantially lower than the cost of foreign analogues.
Accumulated experience allowed PPP of NIIKhIT CJSC to begin the development of new generation of aircraft batteries with heightened specific performance and extended lifetime.

   About company
Vladimir E. Gorbunov
   Main activity
   Exhibitor of
International Aviation & Space Salon
International Maritime Defence Show IMDS
Russian Expo Arms
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