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Company name: SEPO-ZEM Company LLC. (Electric Machine Production Company) of the JSC SEPO (Saratov Electrounit Production Corporation)
Brief name company: ”SEPO-ZEM” Company LLC
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Evgeni P. Reznik
Contact information: (845-2) 33-24-35, 33-34-35, , www.sepo.ru
Post address of the main office: 410040, Russian Federation, Saratov, pr. 50 let Oktyabrya, Lenin sq.

Basic directions of activity

Saratov Electrounit Production Corporation is one of the largest enterprises in Russia for manufacture of electronic and complex electrotechnical products intended for various branches of national economy.

The company specializes on manufacturing of electronic control systems intended for engines of modern planes and helicopters. Special units for the aircraft engines form the significant volume of production. The enterprise produces over 150 names of electromagnets and solenoid valves. The company mastered the production of printed-circuit boards of 4-th ”+” and 5-th generations with surface mounting elements, as well as the production of digital electronic regulators. At the beginning of the 50s ”SEPO” was the first in the country to launch the production of household refrigerators and later freezers. Now the Company has mastered the production of household conditioners. Last decade one of the basic lines of business is cooperation with Russian automobile plants. ”SEPO-ZEM” is the supplier of component parts intended for the largest Russian automobile plants: AO ”AVTOVAZ”, OAO ”GAZ”, OAO ”KAMAZ”, AMO ”ZIL”, OAO ”IZHAVTO”.

List of names of basic let out production

Products for aircraft industry
- electronic control systems for aircraft engines
- automatic regulators for air-inlet
- electric motors
- electric starters, starters-generators
- electric fans
- solenoid valves and electromagnets

Products for automotive industry
- electronic control systems (ЭСУД)
- electric starters and electronic blocks
- elements of anti-lock breaking system and solenoid valves
- electric petrol pumps
- transducers
- fuel pressure regulators

List of names other let out production

- refrigerators
- freezers
- household refrigerated cases
- conditioners

Consumer goods
- electric juice squeezer ”Slavyanka”
- electric water-jet pump ”Malysh”
- multipurpose welding set
- electric chargrill

Road-building machinery
- stone cutters
- vibrator-plate

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.