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Motiv-LOM Praga

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Company name: PKP Motiv-LOM Praha
Brief name company: Motiv-LOM Praga
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Gomberg Aleksandr Arkadievich
Contact information: (095) 362-39-25, 362-39-25,
Post address of the main office: 111116, Russian Federation, Moscow, 2, Aviamotornay st.

Basic directions of activity

Director: Alexandr Gomberg The official representative of a plant LOM Praha in Russia. Manufacture, repair, service. Air reciprocating engines. Power from 120 up to 235 h.p. Models M132, M332, M137, M337 Propellers: Diameter up to 190 mm Models V-341, V-541, V-546, V-532.

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