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Sergey A.Morev

General Director

Evgeniy V. Shishkin

Director of finance

The plant manufactures and overhauls on a serial basis the following aggregates:
- ensuring cruising engines operation manufactured by ”Motor Sich”, N.D.Kuznetsov STC, MMPP ”Salut”, Chernyshev MME, KMPO, Ufa Engine Industrial Association;
- controlling auxiliary power units manufactured by Gidravlika Ufa State Aggregate Enterprise, OMP named after Baranov, ”Tyumenskie Motorostroiteli”;
- creating and regulating pressure in power hydrosystems and RLS cooling systems of Su and MiG aircrafts.

The plant is mastering the production of:
- fuel-regulating aggregates for perspective engines D-436T1, D-436T2 manufactured by Motor Sich JSC for Tu-334, Tu-230, Be-200 aircrafts;
- plunger pumps NP123, NP128, NP128A, NP135, NP160 designed by Rubin Aviation Corporation for power hydrosystems of Su-30, Su-35, Su-37, MiG-31, Tu-204, Tu-334, IL-96-3000, Be-200 aircrafts;
- control system aggregates of Al31F engine and its perspective modifications designed by SPE ”EHA” and MMPP ”Salut”.

As a result of the conversion on the base of up-to-date defense technologies general technical purpose products are manufactured:
- NSh type hydraulic gear pumps for autotractor techniques and different equipment;
- import substituting spare parts for oil-gas equipment of ”Oil Country”, ”Cooper”, ”Cardwell” companies.

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Sergey A.Morev
Evgeniy V. Shishkin
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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.