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NPO “Technomash”

The exposition was demonstrated on MAKS-2001.
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Vyacheslav V. Bulavkin

Director General, Doctor of Science, Professor, Vice-president to K.E.Tsiolkovsky Russian Academy for Cosmonautics, three times Winner of the RF Government Prize in the field of science and technology, Honoured Industrial Engineer of the RF

Technomash is the leading RF science and technology institute in the field of space-rocket technologies to solve integrally technological problems of development work and lot production for almost every SRE product, and also for civil products and consumer goods manufactured by conversion techniques.
The range of its works covers all major machine-building technologies, from blanking operations to assemblage and functional tests, from non-destructive inspection techniques and metrological support to standardization and certification of techniques, equipment, and products.
The principal of them are evolvement of the following processes in:
· blanking operations:
Ц castings from heat-resistant alloys and steels, titanium, refractory and non-ferrous alloys,
Ц forging, including in super-plastic state,
Ц punching,
Ц sheet-metal stamping, including rotary forming and multi-layer structure forming by the Super-plastic Deforming and Diffusion Welding (SDDW) technique
· dimensional machining, including Electro-physical and Electrochemical techniques
· laser techniques
· tool making
· permanent jointing (welding, soldering/brazing)
· assemblage (non-standard equipment for assembling and monitoring characteristics of assembled products, liquid-propellant engine unit monitoring and diagnosing, non-destructive quality inspection for SRE products, pneumatic, hydraulic, electric tests)
· protective and special coating
· industrial mechanization and automation, including special machine-tool construction, process and technological test automation, DNC instruction coding automation)
· development of product-oriented technological support programs, and also of investment and conversion programs
· development of water treatment equipment for power, light and food industries
· manufacturing pre-production models of process tooling and equipment.
The companyТs research centres are equipped with special research equipment to enable simulation and perfection of the above processes.

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