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Seawind Europe

MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
The best amphibian aircraft in the world today.

Seawind - amphibian


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Photo Description

You can enjoy all the pleasure of life on the water, as it is a full amphibian, the fastest in the world incidentally.

The top speed, dependant on engine fit, is over 320 kms/hr;
175 kts; 200 m/hr.
It has a range of 2,600 kms or 1,600 miles.
Stall speed of 94 kms/hr; 51 kts; 59 m/hr.

Certainly the most beautiful. No other private aircraft has the sleekness, the speed and performance; the cabin space; the strength and the LOW cost of the SEAWIND

After seeing the SEAWIND here, you must agree that it looks just like one would expect a 21st Century aircraft to eventually look.
Now, in the 20th. Century, its performance is much better than most of its other competitors in all respects. The speed is higher than most four seat aircraft. It is as roomy inside, in both the front and rear seats, as many cars. You may even lower the rear seat to sleep two in horizontal comfort in flight.

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