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Izhevsk electromechanical plant Kupol

MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
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Company name: Izhevsk electromechanical plant Kupol
Brief name company: Izhevsk electromechanical plant Kupol
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Shestakov Yuri Vladimirovich
Contact information: (3412) 25-09-88, 226819, , www.iemz.ru
Post address of the main office: 426033, Russian Federation, Izhevsk, Pesochnay, 3

Basic directions of activity

One of the principal aims of our plant’s activities always was, and still remains, the establishment of high-accuracy military equipment providing reliable defense of our country. During 40 years the plant became a complex industrial manufacturer. Nowadays ”Izhevsk Elektromekhanicheskiy Zavod” is one of the largest manufacturers for the Russia defense complex, its high-quality goods are well known in the world market. The secret of its success is the orientation towards market requirements, mastering the latest technologies, using the equipment of high precision, trained specialists. Thanks to the above mentioned factors, the enterprise occupies the achieved positions and it’s ready to meet new challenges of today’s developing market.

The major aim of the ”IEMZ” establishment was to meet needs of the Russia Ministry of Defense, particularly of the army air defense. Over forty years we have been manufacturing the ”OSA” and ”TOR-M1” ADM systems, which are the best in the world, and devices and instruments to them.

The missile vertical launch, the unigue phased antenna array, large combat eguipment, automation of operation modes, capability to guide two missiles and row targets simultaneously, ability to fight against high-precision weapon - all these features make the ”TOR-M1 ” ADM system an absolute leader In the world among similar short-range ADM systems.

The development and design of ”OSA” and ”TOR-M1” ADM systems was done by Scientific Research Electro-mechanical Institute (Moscow), headed by general constructor, academician V. P. Efremov ”IEMZ” and Scientific Research Electro-mechanical Institute are the part of Industrial company ”Concern ”Antey”.

With active interaction with State Enterprise ”Rosvooruzhenie” and Industrial company ”Concern ”Antey” our enterprise successfully exports the ”OSA” and ”TOR-M1” ADM systems.

Our credo is high quality of items produced, a profound concern in pre-sale preparation of products and in warranty services, our concern for customers. We are proud of our name and trade-mark. Our enterprise is open and ready for co-operation.

List of names of basic let out production

1. Analytical Systems
2. Medical Systems
3. Climatotechnics
4. Heaters
5. Microelectronics
6. Load Lifting Equipment
7. Wood Processing Equipment
8. Oil Extruction Equipment
9. Equipment for LVZ
10. Services Air Freight Activity
11. Sheet Metall Processing
12. Powder Painting
13. Mechanical Processing
14. Equipment Production
15. Electronic Plate Production
16. Intellectual Property Protection
17. Typography
19. Tool Manufacture
20. Antiaircraft Missile Systems
21. Water Purification

   About company
Shestakov Yuri Vladimirovich
   Exhibitor of
International Aviation & Space Salon
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