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Concern Systemprom

MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
Contact information Send request to the exhibition
Company name: Federal State Unitary Enterprise Concern Systemprom
Brief name company: Concern Systemprom
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Borodakiy Yury Vladimirovich
Contact information: (095) 267-20-31, 267-61-16.,
Post address of the main office: 105066, Russian Federation, Moscow region

Basic directions of activity

Federal State Unitary Enterprise Concern Systemprom was created from May,13,1991. Now enterprise is incorporated into the Russian agency on control systems.
Directions of activity:
General and special purposes automated and communication systems with necessary class of a hardware-software protection;
general, general-system and application software;
hardware-software and software facilities of information protection;
hardware-software cryptographic information protection facilities;
telecommunication equipment, universal modules for interface to a wide spectrum of the equipment;
fiber-optic communications (with a monitoring of an optical network and protection from unauthorized access);
construction, installation, technical support of LAN and telecommunication systems.
All hardware-software means and systems are certificated.

List of names of basic let out production

•Complex of facilities of automation of control center and association headquarters (zone) a sky force and a air defence force of real time "Bastion-3E";
• Hardware-software facilities of data processing from mixed facilities of remote sensing;
• Software complex of a network control center;
• Hardware-software cryptographic information protection facilities М-502, "Board" (version 1.0) and their updatings;
• Packet-switching unit к-360/7;
• Optical cable set;
• Complex of monitoring and protection from unauthorized access of linear paths of optical fibre networks;
• Hardware-software protection complex "Systemprom - CNKT";
• Program-technical complex of information protection facilities (IPF);
• Software product IPF "Systemprom".

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Borodakiy Yury Vladimirovich
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