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KZ ”Radioizmeritel”

MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
Contact information Send request to the exhibition
Company name: ”Radioizmeritel” factory
Brief name company: KZ ”Radioizmeritel”
Country: Ukraine
Head of the company: Fedorenko Valery Nikolaevich
Contact information: (380-44) 562-54-68, 560-31-84, 560-61-47,
Post address of the main office: 02160, Ukraine, Kiev, 24/26, Kolektornay street

Basic directions of activity

- navigation and landing equipment for civil aviation;
- hybrid and functional microelectronics: microunits and microassemblies for microwave and analog-digital equipment;
- consumer goods: radio receivers ”Altair-305”, electronic systems of ignition for automobiles.

List of names of basic let out production

1. Airborne navigation and landing systems of metric band - ”Курс МП-70”,
2. The DME Interrogator - ”СД-75”,
3. The DME Interrogator - ”СД-75М”,
4. Airborne equipment of landing system by the ILS radio beacons - ”ILS-85”,
5. Airborne equipment of navigational system by VOR radio beacons - ”VOR-85”,
6. Small-size beacon simulator - ”МиМ-70”,
7. airborne transceiver ”DME/p-85”,
8. The complete set of the calibrator of range laboratory ”КДЛ”,
9. The device of the control of range finder ”ПКД”,
10. The indicator plane range ”ИСД-1”.

List of names other let out production

1. Laboratory beacon simulator - ”ЛиМ-70”,
2. The complete set of the bench equipment for check Кур МП-70-”СПА Курс МП-70”,
3. The operation stand for check СД-75-”Стенд СД-75”,
4. Airborne equipment of microwave landing system - ”MLS-85”,
5. The marking radio receiver for work in systems of lading ILS-”A-611”,
6. The onboard equipment radiobeacons systems of landing of a meter range of II category - ”Ось-1”
7. Receiver - indicator of long-range radionavigation system by beacons OMEGA, LORAN, MARS - ”A-723”,
8. It is intended for continuous measurement and indication of distance between plane and the ground beacon - respondent - ”СД-67А”,
9. Radio receivers ”Altair-305”.

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Fedorenko Valery Nikolaevich
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