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Sarapul Electric Generator Producing Plant (SEGZ)

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Company name: Joint stock company “Sarapul electric generator plant”
Brief name company: Sarapul Electric Generator Producing Plant (SEGZ)
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Storonkin Evgeney Petrovich
Contact information: (34147) 9-72-09 9-61-05, 9-72-09, , www.segz.ru
Post address of the main office: , Russian Federation, Sarapul, Electrozavodskaya

Basic directions of activity

Serial production of aircraft power supply and control on-board systems, electrical technical and electrical engineering production for industrial purposes and for consumers.

List of names of basic let out production

· asynchronous explosion proof electric motors
· pulling electric motors for on-field transport
· electric trucks with load capacity up to 2 tons
· autonomous welding units
· autonomous power sources
· heat counters
· household centrifugal pumps
· household electric instrument
· mono electric tool
· furniture accessories
· electrical generators: welding generators, for winding energetics, for autonomous power sources.

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Storonkin Evgeney Petrovich

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