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MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
Kronshtadt – Technologies of the Future
Contact information Send request to the exhibition
Company name: Joint-stock R.E.T.Kronshtadt Company Limited
Brief name company: R.E.T.Kronshtadt
Country: Russian Federation
Available licenses: The company has the state Licenses N°510 and N°512 issued by the Russian aviation-space agency in November 2000 for working out and manufacture of the military equipment.
For mapping activity “R.E.T.Kronshtadt” has the License N°MOГ- 006636 dated 12 April 2001 issued by the Russian Federal Service of geodesy and cartography.
The Institute of test and certification of arms and military equipment issued the Conclusion N°BP 02.212. 0768-2002 dated 21 October 2002 confirming that the “R.E.T.Kronshtadt” company had the effective system of quality ensuring the state defense order fulfillment.
Head of the company: Komrakov Evgeny
Contact information: (095) 748-3585, 269-9545, 748-3585, 269-9545, , www.kronshtadt.ru
Address of the main office: Russian Federation
Post address of the main office: 107014, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Moscow, Stromynka str. 18

Basic directions of activity

The main directions of “R.E.T. Kronshtadt” Co. Ltd activity are design and manufacture of on-board navigational equipment, special managing systems, simulating complexes and another technical media, program-mathematical support and special data bases.

“R.E.T. Kronshtadt” has been designing the modern computer-indicating navigational media (product “CABRIS” and its modifications) for new aircraft equipping and the modernization of the existing ones.

The company has worked out the technology allowing creation and unification of various simulating technique of all military services and allowing creation of the synthetic war scenario using interface HLAI (High Level Architecture Interface). On the base of this technology the following simulators have been already designed or have been nearly designed:
- Simulator on maneuvering and vectoring a surface ship using visual systems;
- Simulators of Mi-8, Mi-17, Mi-26, Ka-52K, Ka-31 helicopters;
- GMDSS simulators for the combat communication warheads;
- Navigational-tactical simulator for the Federal Boarder Service of Russia.

Simulators can be united into the simulator complexes for group actions exercising. Here there is a possibility to exercise interaction with various aircraft and another active objects (ships, tanks, AAD systems) by including into the simulating complexes simulators corresponding these systems.

Together with the indicated directions “R.E.T. Kronshtadt” takes part in the creation of the draft of Federal special-purpose program “Electronic Russia” for the period of 2002-2010. This work has been done in conformity with the Russian Government mission No.ИК-П7-33781 dated December 27, 2000 and No.207-p dated February 12, 2001. Kronshtadt works out one part of the Federal special-purpose program devoted to the creation of the information-analytical center of Russian Federation and regional centers.

“R.E.T. Kronshtadt” has been designing the complex of geopolitical processes and ethnic-political conflicts modeling jointly with the Military Sciences Academy. This complex has the following tasks:
- Geopolitical processes modeling identifying national interests of a separate state as a modern geopolitics subject;
- Designing models on prevention and decision of ethnic-political conflicts;
- Designing supporting systems for making decisions in defense and national security.

List of names of basic let out production

Inventory of manufactured equipment
- CABRIS (aviation navigational computer-indicating system)
- MCI-104 (multifunctional computer-indicating system)
CABRIS and MCI-104 systems and their modifications are intended for the usage in perspective aircraft and also for the modernization of the existing airborne avionics complexes of the third and forth generation.

Modern technical means:
- simulators of the Russian designed airplanes and helicopters;
- navigational simulators of the vessels;
Training complexes are created according to the modern technologies of manufacturing allowing to produce the separate types of military equipment in 6-12 months period.

Information-analytical systems (IAS)
- management, consulting, designing and other IAS
- complexes of IAS
- situational centers
Situational centers based on the modern information technologies ensure timely detect of various problems, analysis
and prediction of the situation development and acceptance of effective managing decisions.

   About company
Komrakov Evgeny
   Exhibitor of
International Aviation & Space Salon
Farnborough International
International Maritime Defence Show IMDS
To company

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