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International Exhibitions

The Perm Kirov Works

International Aviation & Space Salon (MAKS)
The exposition was demonstrated on MAKS-2001.
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The Perm Kirov Works is one of the greatest enterprises of the defense industry in Russia. It produces above 100 modern weapons system, which excel the world analogs: charges for jet-systems of the volley-fire "Grad", "Smerch", anti-aircraft comply engine charges for suspended infighting and average-figh ing rockets (class "air-air") starting race sections of winged rockets based on the naval forces, including ones starting from submarines starting race sections of the anti-ship systems (class "air-surface") charges for in-fighting systems and for self-propelled artillery spherical powders for rifle weapon (sub-machine gun, machine-gun, etc.) 11 new works were created in the process of conversion. It is production of hundreds new consumers goods. The greatest complex in Russia for production of acrylates and co-polymers was started in 1998. The main products: industrial explosives sport powders and powders for hunting flocculants for treatment of water polyurethane (casting ones, mi

   About the company

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