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SUE EP № 408

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Company name: State Unitary Enterprise Experimental plant № 408
Brief name company: SUE EP № 408
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Trikoz Valery Kirillovich
Contact information: (095) 157-21-00, 157-74-83,
Post address of the main office: 125167, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Moscow, 8, Airport valley

Basic directions of activity

The Plant is a leader in the air transport industry in the development, productions and implementation of ground radio, communications and lighting, equipment for airport, airlines and Air Traffic Control centers.

List of names of basic let out production

EP № 408 at this present time in designer next equipment:
· complex of automated working places for radar-based controllers - KARM DRU
· set of synchronous documentation of voice and digital data - MAG
· facilities of the meteorological service - AS-ATIS
· set of equipment for air traffic controller communication - KARSAD
· equipment for selective calls of AC controllers - IVA-20K
· mobil meansof menegement - Poisk, Uran, Exkort
· aircraft landing system - OSP-11
· air traffic controller worcing place - RYAD
· remote control device for the airport electric light signal equipment - Gorizont-2 and etc.

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