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Novator Experimental Machine Design Bureau FSUE

Send request to the company
Company name: Novator Experimental Machine Design Bureau FSUE
Brief name company: Novator Experimental Machine Design Bureau FSUE
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Pavel I. Kamnev
Contact information: ((343)) 334-4497, 264-1300, 339-55-60, 334-44-97.,
Post address of the main office: 620017, Russian Federation, Sverdlovsk region, Ekaterinburg, 18, Kosmonavtov pr.

Basic directions of activity

Experimental Machine Design Bureau ”Novator” offers: Anti-ship cruise missile complexes Anti-submarine missile complexes Anti-aircraft missiles and launchers The following products are displayed at the exhibition The 3M54E anti-ship cruise missile The 91R31 anti-submarine missile The 91RTE2 antisubmarine missile The 9M82M anti-aircraft missile The 9M83M anti-aircraft missile The 9M82ME launcher The 9A83ME launcher.

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