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International Exhibitions


International Aviation & Space Salon
The exposition was demonstrated on MAKS-2001.
Contact information Send request to the Company
Full Company's name: Monitor-Soft
Brief name: Monitor-Soft
Country: Russian Federation
Chief executive: ,
Contact information: (095) 556-2888., 556-2888., ,
Main office address: 140187, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Zhukovsky

Main lines of business

Since 1989 Monitor-Soft applies the following systems: Monitor Message Commutation Center (MCC) (Certified MAK 203) automaticly transfer AFTN message in MTK 2, MTK 5 code in 80 channels of telegraph circuit, telephone line and commutation lines, PD, X 25 channels and satellite, local and global net Monitor 3 controller workplace (certified MAK 204) has a friendly interface and support AFTN protocol in MTK 2, MTK 5 code in same way as above MCC NOTAM information system meets all ICAO standards and curries on automation of NOTAM information national center, regional centers and airlines, airport BAI services Briefing service system serves airlines and airports on PD, intranet, internet Seven airlines use already system of creation date for calculation systems of air navigation systems of IL-96, Tu-204, Tu-154 aircraft Navigator calculation system programs automatic routing, flight plan calculation and flight-plan taking into account weather forecast, determine RNS. The enterprise develops centr

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