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MVEN Corporation Ltd.

MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
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Company name: MVEN Corporation Ltd.
Brief name company: MVEN Corporation Ltd.
Country: Russian Federation
Contact information: (8432) (8432) 54-20-11., (8432) 43-49-03., , www.netfirms.mven
Post address of the main office: 420036, Russian Federation, Tatarstan, Kazan, 2b, Demetieva Str.

Basic directions of activity

The MVEN Corporation Ltd. has been in the business of manufacture of parachute recovery systems for aircraft since 1990. Up to now it has developed a whole range of parachute recovery systems for a variety of aircraft with flight weight of 100 to 2500 kg and differing speeds. The companys recovery systems are being installed on light aircraft of various aircraft companies. As a result, dozens of human lives and aircraft have been saved. The design of the system is protected by patent. The MVEN company is currently working on a joint project for the installation of parachute recovery systems on gliders with the Glasfaser Flugzeug Service GmbH company in Germany. The other area of business of the MVEN company is the manufacture of fuselages and other parts of aircraft from polymer composites in accordance with orders placed by aircraft companies

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