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Send request to the company
Company name: Kurs-Simbirsk
Brief name company: Kurs-Simbirsk
Country: Russian Federation
Contact information: (095
84) Представительство в Москве (095)496-74-48 (8422) 21-18-05, (8422)21-18-31, , www.kurs-simbirsk.com/
Post address of the main office: 432072, Russian Federation, Ulyanovsk region, Ulyanovsk, 10, Naganova Str.

Basic directions of activity

Fields of activity of Joint-Stock Company ”Kurs-Simbirsk” are: laboratory checks, regenerative repair and completions under bulletins of products of the aviation and radio-electron equipment of planes of new generation Tu-204, IL-96-300 and their modifications (the Certificate of Conformity G GA MT RF N SSVT 2. Al.02.2589-2000) elaboration and manufacture of the modern automated means of the ground control, diagnosing and repair onboard avionics of the flying vehicles elaboration and manufacture of the technical means of the training of flying and nonproduction personnel of en aircraft and air forces. Modern marketing of services and a high technological level of production of the enterprise are provided with cloce cooperation with the adjacent enterprises of aviation branch. Conditions of manufacture, necessary for maintenance of the quality of the production, meet to requirements SRPP V and GOST R.ISO 9001-96 those are confirmed with the authorized body of the system of certificatit ”OBORONSERTIFIC

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