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International Exhibitions


International Aviation & Space Salon
Contact information Send request to the Company
Full Company's name: Limited Liability Company “Kvalitet-Avia”
Brief name: Kvalitet-Avia
Country: Russian Federation
Chief executive: Khurimova Aida F., Chief Executive Officer
Contact information: (095) 926-20-16 926-20-17, 912-39-29, ,
Main office address: 109147, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Moscow, 22 Marksistskaya, St.

Main lines of business

List of main activities - aviation oils production. For the last 2, 5 years our company has been a major supplier of MS-8P aviation oil for aviation of Russian military forces, лОл ”Gasprom”, airports, design bureaus, civil aviation factories. MS-8P is used for gas-turbo engine lubrication for planes IL-76, IL-86, TU-134, TU-154, SU-15, SU-25, MIG-21, MI-6, MI-10, YAK-40.

List of main products

Aviation oils : MS-8P,CM-4,5, hydraulic oil - Aup

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