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Military Parade, Ltd.

MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
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Company name: Military Parade Ltd.
Brief name company: Military Parade, Ltd.
Country: Russian Federation
Contact information: (095) тел. (095) 143-9650, (095)143-9651, , www.milparade.ru
Post address of the main office: 117330, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Moscow, 35, Bid. 1. Mosfilmovskaya St.

Basic directions of activity

Military Parade is a magazine representing the interests of the defence industries of Russia and other members of the Commonwealth of Independent States. It helps promote CIS defence products on international markets and attract foreign partners to joint projects. Aerospace Journal is a magazine writing about the present-day matters and prospects for the development of the aerospace industry, air transport and its ground-based infrastructure. The Russias Arms 2001-2002 catalog is a unique periodical publication that has no analogs in Russia. It covers major modern weapon systems and military equipment in service with the Russian Armed Forces.

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.