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Full Company's name: DRPE JSC
Brief name: DRPE JSC
Country: Russian Federation
Chief executive: ,
Contact information: (095) тел. (095) 408-3422, (095)408-4422,
Main office address: 141700, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Dolgoprudniy, 1, Sobina pl.

Main lines of business

The DRPE Joint Stock Company designs and mass-produces 9M38M and 9MВ17 medium-range anti-aircraft guided missiles of the Buk-1 and Buk-M1-2 Air Defence systems of the Russian Ground Forces and Shtil shipborne Anti-Aircraft Systems. Automatic launching and flight control devices of the abovementioned missiles for their use both in the Ground Forces and Navy. The enterprise has been issued a quality certificate proving its products fully satisfy the SRPT VT and STR ISO 9001-96 requirements. The company, among other things, offers its customers after-guarantee support of Вн9н missiles of the Kvadrat Air Defence system and 9M38M1 missiles of the Buk-M1-2 and Shtil Anti-Aircraft systems. The company renders technical assistance in overhauling the assets it produces other aspects of the enterprises activities are spare part deliveries, repair documents and overhauling facilities supplies guaranteed. The Director General is G.P. Ezhov, Chief Designer is V.P. Ektov.

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Russian Expo Arms

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