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Federal State Unitary Enterprise Ryazan State Instrument-making Enterprise

MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
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Company name: Federal State Unitary Enterprise Ryazan State Instrument-making Enterprise
Brief name company: Federal State Unitary Enterprise Ryazan State Instrument-making Enterprise
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Chervyakov Alexander N.
Contact information: (0912) 77-23-27, 216147, , www.grpz.ru
Post address of the main office: 390000, Russian Federation, Ryazan region, Ryazan, Kalyaev St., 32

Basic directions of activity

The main trends of company activity are development and serial production of airborne radar stations, weapon control systems, antenna systems with the electronic beam control and radar sight systems designed on the basis of the antenna systems.
The company was founded in 1918. Since the 1950s it began producing airborne electronics for military and civil aircrafts and nowadays it is a traditional leader in this field.
GRPZ has wide technological capabilities and a huge intellectual potential. It is equipped with modern facility. Advanced technological process was studied for production of airborne electronics. High-precision equipment enables to manufacture fine tool sets. The plant also organized a modern shop for manufacture of multilayer printed circuit boards.
Simulation of real mechanical, environmental, acoustic and other effects in the test center provides manufacturing of items of high quality and reliability.

List of names of basic let out production

- Airborne Radar Sight System (ARSS):
Н019Eand its versions for MiG-29 aircraft;
Н011M for Su-30MKI aircraft.
- Weapon Control System (WCS):
Ш101Э and its versions for Su-27 and Su-30 aircrafts.
- Control-test equipment for maintenance of ARSS and WCS.
- Video image-processing system (VIPS) Okhotnik for optoelectronic surveillance and
sighting systems of Mi-8, Ka-27, Ka-50 helicopters.

List of names other let out production

Manufacturing and technological resources of the plant allow the serial manufacture of commodity and industrial products:
- Items of telecommunication technics:
Digital telephone exchanges Proton-SSS;
Optical lines of communication MOST 100/500;
Radio stations of UHF communication Zarya.
- Items of industrial use:
Welding inverters Forsazh;
Electronic electricity meters SET-1, SET-3.

- Medical devices:
Tonometer of intraocular pressure TGDc-01 PRA;
Indicator of intraocular pressure IGD-02 PRA;
Portable electrocardiograph Lekard.
- Multilayer printed circuit boards of the 4th and 5th accuracy class.
Products of the Kasimov State Instrument-making Enterprise (the branch of GRPZ):
Dry-air sterilizers of GP-PZ series;
Laboratory air-drying boxes with convective heating;
Steam sterilizers;
Air bath ovens;
Hospital furniture;
Magnetotherapy complex Multimag.

GRPZ designs:
- Airborne radars (AR) for aircrafts and helicopters;
- Transmitters and receivers, digital computer systems for airborne radars
- Airborne air traffic control systems for all types of an aircraft;
- Helmet display sight systems;
- Analysis and multi-spectral video information processing systems of electrooptical surveillance
and sighting systems;
- Laser-beam systems of teleorientation for controlled weapon.
In designing, manufacturing and testing of airborne electronics GRPZ closely cooperates with Tikhomirov Instrument-making Research Institute Ltd.

   About company
Chervyakov Alexander N.
   Exhibitor of
International Aviation & Space Salon
High Technology of XXI
International Maritime Defence Show IMDS
Russian Expo Arms
To company

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