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MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
The exposition was demonstrated on MAKS-2001.
Contact information Send request to the exhibition
Company name: Halogen
Brief name company: Halogen
Country: Russian Federation
Contact information: (3422) (3422) 55-70-88 50-63-77., (3422) 55-21-33 55-20-38., , www.halogen.ru
Post address of the main office: 614113, Russian Federation, Perm region, Perm, 98, Lasvinskaya str.

Basic directions of activity

Halogen JSC is the unique chemical enterprise in Russia . Year of set up is 1942. In more than 50 years production history we put into production more that 170 chemical high quality products, which provides our successful work in domestic and international market of chemical products. Our products can be divided into five groups: chladone R11, R12, R22, R14, R114B2 ozone free chladone R3318C, R125HP, chladone mixture C10 fluoropolymers and its products near 2000 dimention-types. Fluorocarbon polymer and its composition is used for production of spare parts, chemical equipment, tanks, membranes and diaphragms, pipe tubes, valves, gaskers, cjmpresors, bearing and columns, printed board, precision instruments etc. norganic products such as hydrofluoric acidity and salts, calcium chloride, alume potassium chloride and alume ammonium alums. Since 1996 our enterprise star production of traditional coagulant Ч aluminum sulfate. In 1998 start production universal coagulant CASOFT (aluminum sulfate oxychlori

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.