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MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
The exposition was demonstrated on MAKS-2001.
Contact information Send request to the exhibition
Company name: AVECS Aviation electronics and communication systems PJSC
Brief name company: AVECS PJSC
Country: Russian Federation
Contact information: (095) 257-0846, 257-7732,
Post address of the main office: 125124, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Moscow, 17, 1 Yamskoe Pole Str.

Basic directions of activity

AVECS PJSC (previously Experimental Construction Bureau OCB-12) was formed as a result of reorganizing the Research Institute of Instrument Constructing in I992. In the 50-s 80-s the collective of this enterprise fulfilled the complex of the crucial governmental tasks on creation of the control systems for the first nuclear power station, the first nuclear ice-breaker "Lenin", the first nuclear submarines, the first "Vostok" type carrier rockets, destined for putting the first artificial satellite and the first cosmonaut of the planet into the near-earth orbit, and also for the first strategic ballistic missiles, being used nowadays. At the same time the enterprise created the full-scale electronic systems for "Cosmos", "Almaz", "Buran" spacecraft control and the systems for control on gas-turbine engines of IL-86, TU-I60, TU-334 aircraft. For the latest period the enterprise has created and put the control systems for "Yamal" satellites and the international space station into issued service: these systems

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