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Avia-Leasing Ltd.

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Company name: Avia-Leasing Ltd.
Brief name company: Avia-Leasing Ltd.
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Ustmenko Nikolay Pavlovich
Contact information: (495) 924-0401, 200-6773, 208-1742, 787-1195, , www.avialeasing.ru
Post address of the main office: 103006, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Moscow, 20-2, Sadovaya-Triumphalnaya

Basic directions of activity

Joint-Stock Company Avia-Leasing Ltd. provides: leasing of Eastern-made and Western-made aircraft aircraft sale aircraft overhaul and restoration consulting accident consulting certification of Russian-made aircraft aboard finance of the aviation business projects. The Avia-Leasing Ltd specialty is the Mi-26, Mi-8(17) helicopters. For the time being Avia-Leasing Ltd is the owner of two Mi-26T and one Mi-8 MTV(Mi-17) helicopters. Abovementioned helicopters are successfully operated in Africa and Southwestern Asia. Besides the company has the wide experience in L-410 UVP, UVP-E sale and use.

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