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Investment financial company Airleasing

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Company name: Investment financial company Airleasing
Brief name company: Airleasing
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Kisluhin Oleg Leonidovich
Contact information: (342) 210-99-40, 210-99-89, 210-94-85, , www.avialeasing.biz
Post address of the main office: 614016, Russian Federation, Perm region, Perm, Street. Kuibyshev, 47.

Basic directions of activity

The company Airleasing exists since 1996 and represents the independent financial structure specializing in the field of leasing of air courts.
From the moment of creation the company Airleasing successfully uses both the circuit of leasing, and the circuit of long-term rent of air courts, actually maintaining a serious competition in the segment of the market, as the company applies the organizational and financial circuit of delivery of planes in the airline, as much as possible facilitating expensive process of reception of planes, in view of the real conditions existing.
For the first 5 years of work Airleasing has successfully carried out leasing of two planes TU - 204-100 with their subsequent sale in airline "Siberia". Further the company worked with ВС TU - 154 and has put under the circuit of operational leasing 10 planes in airline: "Bashkir airlines", "Perm airlines".

The company Airleasing has agreements on mutual relations and cooperation with many aviation enterprises serving ВС of a domestic production, and also with airlines. We cooperate with: Open Society "Factory 411", Joint-Stock Company "Aviastar - SP", Open Society Saturn, Open Society "Perm motor factory", Open Society "Airline", Open Society "Siberia", "Bashkir airlines", "Perm airlines", Open Society "Aeroflot - РА".

The basic kinds of activity Airleasing:
• Granting in leasing and rent of aviation technics, including:
- Planes TU - 154, TU - 204, TU - 214, Boeing, Airbus and other air courts western and a domestic production;
- Air field technics of various purpose.
• Purchase at airlines, factories and other organizations of the above-stated aviation technics with the purpose of the further transfer to leasing .
• Development and realization of commercial projects in the field of civil aircraft;

Trying in the daily activity to follow lines on maintenance of parameters of safety, reliability and economic efficiency of air courts, company "Airleasing" takes a worthy place in the market of leasing aircraft technicians.

For electronic communication take advantage of a key "To send inquiry in the company" which is located in the beginning of page.

To familiarize with the full list of offers the PIF of the company Airleasing it is possible HERE

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