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Sikorsky Aircraft

MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
Contact information Send request to the exhibition
Company name: Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation а United Technology Company
Brief name company: Sikorsky Aircraft
Country: United States
Contact information: (203) 386-5693, 386-7448, , www.sikorsky.com
Post address of the main office: 6615, United States, Stratford

Basic directions of activity

Our About Us section contains a biography of our company along with information about the rich history of Sikorsky Aircraft, and our company founder, Igor I. Sikorsky.

Sikorsky is the first name in helicopters and our products are in service all around the world. To learn more about these magnificent machines, visit the special page we created called ”How a Helicopter Works.”

Our Sikorsky Club Store is the place to purchase models of our past and present products, and a variety of other gift items.

We do more than design, manufacture and build helicopters. The employees at Sikorsky Aircraft also build strong communities. On our Community page, you can read about the volunteering and charitable activities of our company and employees..

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