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MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
Contact information Send request to the exhibition
Company name: IBCOL Technical Services GmbH
Brief name company: IBCOL
Country: Germany
Contact information: (49 (0) 89) 46 00 06 - 0, 46 37 38, , www.ibcol.de
Post address of the main office: 85540, Germany, Haar, Hans-Pinsel Str. 7

Basic directions of activity

IBCOL General Aviation Trade GmbH Factory representation for Sino Swearingen Business Aircraft Corporation SJ30-2 Executive Jet Helicopters Air Lloyd Deutsche Helicopter Flugservice GmbH Pipeline control, Spraying, VIP Flights, Training of commercial pilots, Robinson distributor IBCOL Helicopter Services GmbH Factory representation for MD Helicopters, Inc. for MD Explorer / MD 600 / 500 product line Products & Services Zeinith Tester / Lutch - Flight Data Processing Systems, IBCOL-Navitec Gesellschaft fur Navigationssysteme GmbH GPS Transponder Systems IBCOL APSO Aviation Product Support Organization, EAS1 Ltd, Eastern Aircraft Support

List of names of basic let out production

IBCOL provides a complete range of customer oriented system solutions and services:

- Consulting & Analysis
- Representation, Marketing & Sales
- Research, Development and Production
- Systems Integration & Engineering
- Installation & Product Support Logistics
- Training & Services

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.