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BMWi Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology

MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
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In times where the Internet has opened new ways of communication between citizens, companies and social institutions, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour (BMWA = Bundesministerium fur Wirtschaft und Arbeit) sees itself more and more as a provider of modern services. We like to provide the public with a variety of new information, including current developments in economic policy and the tasks of our ministry. We will continue to expand our supply of information in English. Please bear in mind that we are still working on it.

Tasks and Goals of the Ministry of Economics and Labour

Wolfgang Clement is the Federal Minister of Economics and Labour. The State Secretaries support him in fulfilling his responsibilities. The Minister's Office has special responsibilities for liaison with the cabinet and the legislature, and for press and public relations.

The central concern of economic policy and thus of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour is to lay the foundations for economic prosperity in Germany spread broadly throughout the population. Derived from this overriding interest are various objectives that stand as guides for economic policy measures. These include:

a high level of employment
sustained opportunities for the German economy to grow and compete with other economies
social security
the promotion of new technologies and innovation to maintain the economy's competitiveness
the linking of economic and ecological goals
intensification of the worldwide division of labor and a free system of world trade
economic assistance to Germany's new states.

At German reunification, these objectives took on a new dimension in light of the new and unusual challenges to be faced. Important goals, for example in the field of social security and price stability, have largely been accomplished. In many respects, however, the economic reality in eastern Germany is far from reaching levels and conditions that would be desirable for Germany as a whole. As long as this situation persists, we must continue to pursue economic policy goals such as reliable social protection and the preservation of our natural environment.

The Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour is therefore confronted by the ongoing task of shaping the conditions for economic activity on the basis of personal and entrepreneurial freedom, competition, and stability. The Ministry's legislative, administrative, and coordinating functions in areas such as competition policy, regional policy, small and midsize business policy, energy policy, and external economic policy are geared to this task.

A policy oriented to the principles of the social market economy has proven to be effective, above all in difficult phases of economic development. It has helped Germany rapidly overcome the recent worldwide recession. A forward looking economic policy must ensure sustained conditions for more employment in Germany. Of premier importance in this context are support for and stabilization of the economic recovery in Germany's new states. Despite the considerable success scored thus far, an important part of the recovery process still lies ahead. The Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour will continue to assist the process through concrete initiatives and impulses.

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