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AUMA Association of German Trade Fair Industry

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Company name: Ausstellungs- und Messe-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V. (AUMA)
Brief name company: AUMA Association of German Trade Fair Industry
Country: Germany
Head of the company: Dr. Hermann Kresse
Contact information: (+49 30) 24 00 00, 240 00263, , www.auma-fairs.com
Post address of the main office: 10179, Germany, Berlin, Littenstr. 9

Basic directions of activity

AUMA organises the official German trade fair programme of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany abroad in close cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour (BMWA) and the Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture (BMVEL). As part of this programme, the Federal Government provides financial assistance for the German participations at foreign events organised by BMWA and BMVEL.

List of names of basic let out production

Интересы бизнеса и политики в этом секторе скоординированы Рабочей группой для Участия Ярмарки Внешней торговли, в котором представители ориентируемых экспортом ассоциаций регулярно встречаются с представителями Министерств.

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