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Exposition in Complex MVDV Международные выставки


The exposition was demonstrated on MAKS-2001.
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Yury A. Olenin

Director -chief designer

Research and Design Institute of Radio-Electronic Engineering (NIKIRET Institute) is the specialised enterprise focused on creation of integrated security systems, detectors and access control systems. It offers the Customers and consumers the following list of services:
сarrying out the research, experiments and design, quantity production and sale of technical security means (TSM), including:
- perimeter detectors for stationary and mobile use. These means are based on radiobeam, wire-wave, vibroЦseismic and vibrating operation principles. They are intended for operation in any climatic zones
- detectors for rooms realizing microwave, electrostatic, vibro-acustis, vibrating operation principles and having the increased stability to interference factors
- data acquisition and display system of average and large capacity, which have communication channels to standard interfaces and is intended for operation outside and inside
- access control system of average and large capacity (up to 4000 zones and 16000 persons) and it is based on module principle with open architecture
development and manufacture of high secrecy locks for operation under severe field service conditions and for them to be used in the automated access control systems at VIP sites. Updating the produced locks on CustomerТs demand
development and manufacture of special power supplies and systems of remote power supply for the alarm systems, industrial automatics and telemechanics which have high efficiency
carrying out the pre-design site investigation with revealing of vulnerable places for УintruderТs modelФ accepted by the Customer
development of technical and economic grounds and programs of works in the sphere of equipment of sites with technical security means
development of requests for proposal (RFP) to designing of physical protection systems, optimized on various criteria (technical and economic and etc.)
development and realization of contractor designs on physical protection systems (license ФЛЦ 011646) and fire signaling system (license ЦОЛ 917-000852) engineering of sites, including highly explosive and chemically dangerous ones (license 11П-02/9594), drawing up of estimates for the fulfillment of works for the Customers located in Russia and abroad
performance of building-installation and adjustment works on the installation of alarm and fire signaling systems, automated access control systems
carrying-out the technical security means certified tests to functional purpose and electric safety with the use of equipment of the test center accredited by State Standard of Russia with distribution of certificates and protocols of tests
carrying-out the designs examinations on creation of physical protection systems of sites in a part of examination of application of elements and devices of alarm and fire signaling system, access control systems and CCTV system
carrying-out the estimations of physical protection systems efficiency, available on sites due to the restrictions, coordinated with the Customer and development of security concepts
development of universal and specialized software of the automated integrated access control and alarm complexes
development of instructions, norms and regulations as agreed with the Customer, special operational documentation and instructions on repair and maintenance schedule for technical security means complexes, established on site
training the personnel of sites to the rules of maintenance service, installation and operation of products of technical security means on the basis of branch of profile faculty of Penza State University and the test center of the enterprise accredited by State Standard of the Russian Federation with distribution of the certificate about the right of work with the equipment of NIKIRET Institute.

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