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Company name: Electroagregat open joint stock company
Brief name company: Electroagregat
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Vladimir A. Tsykin
Contact information: (3832) 278-72-82, 278-72-08, 279-06-06, 278-72-82, 279-05-15,278-72-50, , www.eagregat.ru
Post address of the main office: 630015, Russian Federation, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk, ul. Planetnaya 30

Basic directions of activity

OJSK Electroagregat , Novosibirsk, Russia is major Russian producers of mobile diesel and gasoline stations powered from 1 to 200 kW of all design and automation degrees; aerodrome mobile electric converters APA-80, APA-100, APEA-100 and semiconductor non cycling aggregates ESPA9P28,5, ESPA50T208, ESPA100T208 for all types of planes and helicopters; charging sets for all types of batteries. All our products are produced according high quality standards and fit you personal needs and conditions. Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Emergency, Ministry of Interior, Federal Security Service, Central Bank of Russia and private enterprises are among our customers.
Our company are ready to done all kinds of production and service works: survey, manufacturing, installation and warranty service. ”Electroagregat” has state certificate for development and production of all above mentioned products for public procurement and civil aviation certificate of authenticity.

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