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Send request to the company
Company name: Bykovo Aviation Services Company
Brief name company: BASC
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Dmitry N. Tomas
Contact information: (095) 554-5040 558-4510, 501-3509, , www.basco.ru
Post address of the main office: 140150, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Bykovo, 14 Aeroportovskaya str.

Basic directions of activity

At the present moment, having certificates of Goverment Office for Civil Aviation and of Aviation Register of Interstate Aviation Committee, our company carries out all types of maintenance and overhaul of the aircraft: IL-76, Yak-42, IL-18, and delivery of engines D-30 of II and III series, repair of APU ТГ-16 (М), propellers АВ-68И, recovery, reinforcement and manufacture of aircraft and engine components, refurbishment and re-equipment of aircraft cabins, painting of all aircraft types with polyurethane materials, applying of markings by making use of stickers.

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