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MiG Corporation

MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
Contact information Send request to the exhibition
Company name: MiG Russian Aircraft Corporation
Brief name company: MiG Corporation
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Aleksey Federov
Contact information: (095) 207-0476, 207-0757, , www.migavia.ru
Post address of the main office: 125040, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Moscow, 1 - Botkinsky proezd, 7

Basic directions of activity

MiG Russian Aircraft Corporation (MiG Corp.) is the leading Russian corporation specializing in the development, manufacturing,
marketing, supply and post-sale attendance (maintenance and upgrade) of military and civil aircraft, engines, avionics
and aircraft system. The aircraft designed and manufactured by MiG Corp. are in service with air forces of 80 countries worldwide.
MiG Corp. manufactures the MiG-29 family of tactical fighters, MiG-AT advanced trainer, Kamov attack, naval and multipurpose helicopters,
including Ka-60 tactical transport, IL-103 four-seat utility aircraft and a number of light
multi-purpose planes. In a frame work of wide scale restructuring / conversion program,
MiG Corp. launches - under Russian government authorization - a series production
of Tupolev Tu-334 short/mid haul airliner and its own civil multipurpose aircraft, the MiG-110.

   About company
Aleksey Federov
   Exhibitor of
International Aviation & Space Salon
High Technology of XXI
International Maritime Defence Show IMDS
To company

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.