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International Exhibitions

Moscow Radio technical Plant

International Aviation & Space Salon
Moscow Radio technical Plant
Contact information Send request to the Company
Full Company's name: Joint Stock Company «Scientific Manufacturing Company Moscow Radio technical Plant
Brief name: Moscow Radio technical Plant
Country: Russian Federation
Chief executive: Bulkin Jury Leonidovitch, General Manager
Contact information: (095) 444-97-77 444-50-54, 443-71-40, ,
Main office address: 121357, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Moscow, Vereyskaya str., 29

Main lines of business

Manufacture and realization of radioengineering, electrotechnical and electronic production of civil and special purpose.

List of main products

Filters of addition ФПМР, ФПФ, ФПО
ultrasonic apparatus - generators
cleaning baths
magnetostriction transformers
soldering irons, impulse units for averting of scale forming.

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.