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Company name: Closed Joint Stock Company “Aviastar-SP”
Brief name company: Aviastar-SP
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: V.V. Mikhailov
Contact information: (8422) 29-10-22, 20-25-75, , www.aviastar.link-ul.ru
Post address of the main office: 432072, Russian Federation, Ulyanovsk region, Ulyanovsk, 1, Antonova ave.

Basic directions of activity

Enterprise manufactures and sales modern passenger and cargo aircraft of TU-204 family and unique transport AN-124-100 ”Ruslan” aircraft, provides warranty and after-warranty maintenance, performs repair and scheduled works. Manufacturing and all stated services are certified.

List of names of basic let out production

Modifications of TU-204:
- TU-204C (cargo aircraft with PS-90 engines),
- TU-204-100 (passenger aircraft with PS-90 engines),
- TU-204-120 (passenger aircraft with Rolls-Royce engines),
- TU-204-120C (cargo aircraft with Rolls-Royce engines),
- cargo AN-124-100 ”Ruslan” aircraft.

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