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MicroMax Computer Systems

MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
Contact information Send request to the exhibition
Company name: MicroMax Computer Systems
Brief name company: MicroMax Computer Systems
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Alexei V. Klokov
Contact information: (095) 148-1617 148-3829, 148-3742, , www.micromax.ru
Post address of the main office: 121293, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Moscow, 2, General Ermolova Str.

Basic directions of activity

MicroMax Computer Systems offers unique technical and design solutions of unparalleled quality, supported by professional service programs. MicroMax specializes in rugged embedded on-board multifunctional computer solutions and industrial computers for harshest environment, as well as infrared wireless optical and satellite (VSAT) based DATACOMM equipment. The product line includes: Embedded single board computeres high performance, shock and anti-vibration resistant devices with extended operating temperature range On-board and field multifunctional computer systems highly reliable, rugged devices with maximized lifetime for severe usage environment. Readiness to operate in harsh environment is confirmed by succesful usage onboard of military aircrafts and cosmic devices Industrial computers and networks for factory automation and process control Ч reliable, rugged, dust and water protected.

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Alexei V. Klokov
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