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Company name: Kaluga’s Research Institute of Radio Engineering
Brief name company: KNIRTI
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company:  Eugene S. Kachanov
Contact information: (095
08) (095) 546-35-37
(08432) 5-20-55, (095) 546-34-58
(08439) 6-80-80,
Post address of the main office: 249192, Russian Federation, Kaluga region, Zhukov, 2 Lenin Street

Basic directions of activity

KalugaТs Research Institute of Radio Engineering (KNIRTI) is a leading designer of the airborne EW equipment in Russia. Known all over the world, the famous УSuФ aircraft are being fitted with EW equipment developed by the KNIRTI. For export sales, the KNIRTI offers various EW equipment types, including self-protection and group-protection active jammer pods, jammer-helicopters, ELINT systems, as well as updating the customerТs EW technique.

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