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Company STAR

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Yuri P. Doudkin

Director-General, General Manager

It is based in 1943 in Perm as branch of Moscow developmental bureau ОКБ-315. Open Society " STAR" was engaged in operational development and perfection of serial aviation carburettors.
In 1957 it is transformed in independent ОКБ, developing systems regulations of engines for planes That - 124, That - 134, That - 154, Silt - 62М, Silt - 76, the Instant - 31 and helicopters Mi-6, Ми-10, Ка-26, Ми-24, Ми-28, etc.

Now Open Society " STAR" develops, makes and delivers for operation complex electro-hydromechanical control systems (САУ) of aviation engines, and also ground газотурбинными installations for газоперекачивающих units capacity 10Е25 МВт and mobile and block power stations capacity 2,5Е8 МВт.
Such systems are САУ for engines of new generation of modern planes Silt - 96-300, That - 204, That - 214, Silt - 114, Ан-140, and also helicopters K-50 (), Ка-52 (). Ка-32, Ka-60 , Ка-62. Systems contain pumps , digital electronic regulators with the full responsibility (FADEC) and a reserve hydromechanical part.

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