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Company name: Federal State Unitary Enterprise ALTAIR Research and Development Corporation
Brief name company: ALTAIR &D Corp.
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Klimov Serguei Alexandrovich
Contact information: (095) 273- 1432, 361-7250, , www.altair-navy.ru
Post address of the main office: 111024, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Moscow, 57 Aviamotornaya

Basic directions of activity

Russias Leading enterprise in developing of: air-defense missile-gim systems antiship missile systems with broad scope of firing ranges electromagnetic compatibility support systems for electronic facilities of ships air and surface target detection and tracking systems, by making use of radar and optoelectronic means underwater surveillance systems littoral area air and sea borderlines defense systems.

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Klimov Serguei Alexandrovich

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