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Company name: “Aerospace Equipment” Corporation”
Brief name company: AEC
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Sergei D. Bodrunov
Contact information: (812 0) 238-16-40 (095) 924-44-71 Пресс-служба: (812) 238-72-20, 233-83-06 (095) 924-44-73,
Post address of the main office: 197101, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg, 16, 6 Bolshaya Monetnaya str.

Basic directions of activity

The enterprises of the Corporation design and manufacture the equipment for various types of domestic planes (MiG-27, MiG-29, Su-27, Su-30, Tu-154, Il-86, etc.), helicopters (Mi, Ka), complexes of the anti-aircraft defense («Buk», S-300). The enterprises of the Corporation develop and produce: flight navigation and radar complexes auto pilots and automatic control systems indication systems and onboard computers inertial navigation systems, fuel automatics gyroscopic units, accelerometers, elements of monitoring avionics systems, optical-fiber converters flight data recording equipment and special simulators electric connectors, printed-circuit-boards, products of microelectronics systems of the identification and devices of air movement control devices of anti-ice systems control hydrounits.
The enterprises of the Corporation use the conversion technologies to produce wide range of industrial production and consumer goods: medical equipment, automobile and wood industry equipment, conditioners, TV-sets, radio-transmitters, domestic instruments, etc.

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